Optometrists & Aesthetic Specialists serving Grandville, Hudsonville and Jenison, MI

Do your eyes feel dry and irritated? Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common eye conditions in the United States. Lifetime Eyecare in Jenison, Michigan, is a Certified Dry Eye Center of Excellence. Allen Smith, OD, Nicole Gdowski, OD, and provide a broad range of proven dry eye treatments, including TrueTear™️, LipiFlow®️, and beyond. You don’t need to suffer any longer. Call today or book a consultation online.

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What is Dry Eye Syndrome?
Dry Eye Syndrome is one of the most common eye conditions across the United States. The symptoms of dry eye syndrome can be very frustrating, and make it difficult to enjoy everyday activities. Whether in the form of an eye allergy, redness & inflammation, or a gland malfunction, a lack or imbalance of tear production will cause your eyes to feel dry, itchy, and gritty. Dry eye syndrome is also often associated with redness, foreign body sensation and excessive tearing (the eye trying to compensate for the dryness).

Dry eyes may be brought on by a malfunctioning gland, eye allergy, or a health condition. Tears are necessary to lubricate and nourish your eyes. Left untreated, dry eyes may damage your cornea and cause other eye-related issues.

What are the symptoms of dry eyes?
Dry eyes often cause scratchy, stinging, and burning sensations in your eyes. Other signs and symptoms include:

  • Light sensitivity
  • Stringy mucus in or around your eyes
  • The feeling that something is in your eye
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses
  • Trouble with nighttime vision
  • Blurred vision
  • Tired eyes
  • Vision complaints
  • You also may experience watery eyes, as if your eyes are trying to wash out a foreign object.

How are dry eyes diagnosed?
Dr. Smith and Dr. Gdowski diagnose dry eyes through a comprehensive eye exam. They will:

  • Take a complete history, noting any environmental factors or medications that might be related to your condition
  • Examine your eye and eyelids
  • Measure the quantity and quality of your tears
  • Once your doctor has determined the source of your dry eyes, they suggest treatment options that are right for you.

How is Dry Eye Treated?
Treatments for dry eye are geared toward symptom management. While eye drops are generally the first step in relieving dry eye symptoms, we can utilize various kinds of treatment to ultimately reduce dryness and inflammation. Many of our patients who have struggled with dry eye disease for years have found long lasting and effective treatment. Our advanced and cutting edge diagnostic technologies along with Dr. Smith and Dr. Gdowski’s expertise in the field brings a superior approach for the management and treatment of dry eyes.

Eye drops are typically the first step to relieve your symptoms. However, Lifetime Eyecare offers a broad array of innovative dry eyes treatments to provide you with long-lasting relief, such as:

LipiFlow®️: A noninvasive treatment to unclog your Meibomian gland to improve lubrication and comfort in your eye
Ocusoft Retaine drops: Provide long-lasting relief for moderate to severe dry eyes, particularly with Meibomian gland dysfunction
Punctal plugs: Devices inserted into your tear ducts to retain eye moisture
Bruder moist heat eye compress: Opens oil glands to naturally restore moisture to your eye
Cliradex®️: A preservative-free lid, lash, and facial cleanser to ease dry eye symptoms
Restasis®️: Drops that increase tears and reduce inflammation
Xiidra®️: Eye drops that relieve dry eye symptoms within two weeks on average
Prokera™️: A contact lens-like membrane that treats mild to severe corneal scarring related to dry eyes
PRN Dry Eye Omega Benefits: In softgel or liquid form, Omega-3s EPA and DHA help maintain a healthy tear film

If you’ve struggled with chronic dry eyes, you can rely on Dr. Gdowski and Dr. Smith at Lifetime Eyecare for long-lasting and effective treatment. Call today to book your consultation.


Dry Eye Syndrome is one of the most common eye conditions across the United States. The symptoms of dry eye syndrome can be very frustrating, and make it difficult to enjoy everyday activities. Whether in the form of an eye allergy, redness & inflammation, or a gland malfunction, a lack or imbalance of tear production will cause your eyes to feel dry, itchy, and gritty. Dry eye syndrome is also often associated with redness, foreign body sensation and excessive tearing (the eye trying to compensate for the dryness).

Dry eyes feel uncomfortable. If you have dry eyes, your eyes may sting or burn. You may experience dry eyes in certain situations, such as on an airplane, in an air-conditioned room, while riding a bike or after looking at a computer screen for a few hours. Signs and symptoms usually affect both eyes and symptoms may include:

  • A stinging, burning or scratchy sensation in your eyes
  • Stringy mucus in or around your eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • A sensation of having something in your eyes
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses
  • Difficulty with nighttime driving
  • Watery eyes, which is the body’s response to the irritation of dry eyes
  • Blurred vision or eye fatigue
  • Vision Complaints

Talk to Us About Your Dry Eyes TODAY!

If you have been using over the counter eye drops for dry eye relief, don’t delay receiving a professional diagnosis and treatment from Lifetime Eyecare.

Request an appointment to discuss your symptoms or call us at: (616) 457-0760.